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Types of Compensation Provided by IVAC

The Indemnisation des Victimes d’Actes Criminels (IVAC) is an initiative by the Quebec government to provide support to individuals affected by crimes that have taken place within the province. The purpose of this legal institution is to provide financial aid and other types of support to victims, to help them cope with the physical, emotional and economic repercussions of crime.

In this article, the victim lawyers at our Montreal law firm explain the IVAC application process and outline the many benefits available to help victims of criminal offenses and promote rehabilitation and reintegration into society.

Eligibility criteria for IVAC assistance

As of October 13, 2021, the eligibility criteria for IVAC financial assistance and services have changed. All victims of physical or psychological harm committed after March 1, 1972 and covered by the Criminal Code are now included, with the exception of property crimes.

The definition of a “victim of crime” has also changed. It has been broadened to both the person directly impacted by the crime, and their parents, children, spouses, dependents and relatives, and witnesses to the crime.

In addition, those who suffer harm or die while trying to prevent a crime are also recognized as eligible victims, including their families and loved ones, and are therefore eligible for assistance from the IVAC.

Compensation for victims of crime

Faced with the often lasting repercussions of a criminal act, the law designed to help victims of a serious crime offers support to anyone with temporary or permanent disabilities, to help with both physical and psychosocial rehabilitation.

Psychosocial support

IVAC offers financial assistance for the psychotherapeutic rehabilitation of a victim or rescuer to help them reintegrate into society. Here are the key elements of this type of aid:

  • Professional psychosocial intervention services: This service covers expenses incurred for services provided by professionals such as psychoeducators, occupational therapists, social workers and more. The goal is to facilitate the affected person’s social reintegration.
  • Moving expenses and protective measures: This service offers financial assistance if a victim has to move for their own safety, including transportation, packing, rent and installation costs. Protective measures such as the installation of alarm systems or self-defense courses are also covered.
  • Home assistance: Home assistance is available for victims or rescuers who are unable to care for themselves or perform domestic tasks. Amounts up to $2,082 per month are reimbursable.

Rehablitation and physical therapy

Physical rehabilitation helps victims of criminal offenses to recover their physical health. Key measures include:

  • Housekeeping: Victims or rescuers who are unable to perform routine household chores may receive benefits of up to $3,897 annually for services such as snow removal, lawn mowing and interior painting.
  • Home and vehicle adaptations: Adaptations required for accessibility and autonomy at home or for the use of a vehicle are covered with no maximum amount. These costs are subject to approval and must be submitted and recommended by a rehabilitation counselor.
  • Care, treatment and professional services: A detailed list of reimbursable types of care is available on the IVAC website. This assistance must be recommended by a health professional and be directly related to the consequences of the crime.

Financial compensation for professional reintegration

IVAC offers a full range of financial support to help crime victims return to work, including the Aide Financière Supplémentaire Palliant une Perte de Revenu. This aid reimburses 90% of the person’s current salary at the time of incapacity, with a compensation period of up to two years.

Support for families affected by crime

After suffering an assault, victims or rescuers who are unable to care for their minor or adult children may be eligible for reimbursement of childcare costs. The amount reimbursed depends on the type of care, up to $33 per day for unsubsidized services, and up to $65 per day for in-home care of three or more children.

Financial assistance is also available for children born of sexual assault, to support those responsible for feeding a child born of such assault. Benefits are calculated according to the number of children, and are adjusted annually for inflation.

Services and lump sums following a death

When a crime results in a person’s death, IVAC can provide financial support to families and loved ones. This support includes reimbursement of crime scene clean-up costs, funeral expenses and the full cost of transporting the body.

IVAC also offers lump-sum financial assistance for spouses of victims or rescuers, and for families whose minor children have died as a result of a crime. Children and dependants also benefit from financial assistance, which varies according to age.

Maximum amount reimbursed by IVAC for funeral expenses for  a victim of crime

Recognizing the importance of paying last respects, IVAC covers funeral expenses for a victim up to $6,432, relieving families of financial concerns at this difficult time.

Compensation for damage to personal property

Financial assistance for loss of clothing and footwear resulting from a criminal offence can reach up to $342. Glasses that are broken or damaged during an offence will be reimbursed at their actual cost, in addition to the necessary purchase of new glasses or contact lenses as a result of the incident. For damage to property resulting from a public-spirited act, the amount can reach up to $1,142.

How long does it take to apply for IVAC qualification?

To make a claim with the Indemnisation des Victimes d’Actes Criminels (IVAC) in Quebec, you need to take the following steps:

  1. Initial medical examination: Following a criminal act, a medical examination is necessary to assess the extent of your injuries and produce a medical report. You need this document to make a claim for compensation.
  2. Gathering documents and evidence: It’s important to have all the right documents to support a claim. This includes police reports, invoices for expenses incurred as a result of the incident (medication, transportation costs, psychotherapy sessions, etc.), as well as any other relevant evidence.
  3. Filling in the application form: Access the IVAC website to download the right form for your situation (adult victim, minor, or rescuer involved in the event), then fill it out carefully.
  4. Submitting your file: Send the documents and completed form to IVAC. Your file will be assessed in due time.

Victims and rescuers generally have three years from the event in which to apply for qualification, but there are exceptions: victims of domestic violence, sexual abuse or child abuse do not face any time limit if the events occurred after March 1, 1972. If your application is rejected, you can contest the IVAC’s decision.

Get help from the victim lawyers at Bégin Avocats

The Indemnisation des Victimes d’Actes Criminels (IVAC) program plays a fundamental role in the recovery, physical rehabilitation and social reintegration of victims of criminal acts in Quebec.

However, applying for this assistance can be a complex and demanding process, especially when you’re already overwhelmed by the consequences of a criminal act. This is where the services of an IVAC lawyer can make all the difference.

At Bégin Avocat, our team of legal experts is here to guide you through every step of your claim. Contact us today to get the support you deserve!

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