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CNESST lawyer for work accident victims

Being injured at work can lead to devastating financial, physical and personal consequences for victims and their families.

Bégin Avocat knows how time consuming and frustrating it can be for victims to obtain compensation for the damage they have suffered. That is why we strive to help injured parties obtain fair and adequate compensation.

For more than twenty years, the lawyers at Bégin Avocat have assisted victims of work-related accidents in Quebec. Our administrative law firm is here to help you, from the preparation of your file, to representation at the Tribunal Administratif du Travail.

Bégin Avocat supports you before the CNESST

Me Bégin has worked with hundreds of victims of work-related accidents during his career. His experience has made him very familiar with the complexities of these lengthy procedures.

At Bégin Avocat, we can assist you with all types of claims related to the Commission des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail au Québec (CNESST) in Quebec. This also includes appeals of unfavourable CNESST decisions, which must be contested within 30 days. There is no time to lose for victims of unfair decisions.

Our administrative lawyer does everything possible to make sure injured workers receive all the benefits they are entitled to in a timely manner.

Bégin Avocat can help you if you are:


What is the CNESST (formerly CSST)?

The Commission des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail is the Quebec agency responsible for ensuring compliance with labour standards throughout the province. If the CNESST does not enforce these standards effectively, they are liable. The institution must:

  • Ensure that workplaces take responsibility for the health and safety of workers,
  • Compensate victims of occupational injuries,
  • Ensure victims’ social, psychological and physical rehabilitation.


The CNESST provides 3 main types of compensation:

  • Compensation for permanent physical or psychological injury: paid in the event of permanent disability or serious personal or psychological injury.
  • Income replacement indemnity: paid if the victim is unable to work as the direct result of a serious work accident-related injury.
  • Assistance with material adaptation costs and home help: this compensation helps victims of a work-related accident or injury with physical rehabilitation and improvements to their quality of life.


It can be difficult for victims of a work injury to assert their rights and challenge CNESST decisions on their own. Remember that a lawyer specializing in work injury law can help. 

How to be compensated by the CNESST after a work accident

In order to obtain justice and compensation, you need to know the main principles of the Act respecting industrial accidents and occupational diseases.

There are 3 criteria that define a work accident:

  • It must be sudden.
  • It must have occurred while you were under the authority of your employer.
  • It must have caused an injury or illness.

Medical expertise is always required to prove the legitimacy of a work accident to the CNESST.

You must file a claim with the agency within six months of the injury. There is also a 30-day time limit to contest a CNESST decision.

Given these conditions, most victims greatly benefit from the support of a qualified lawyer. You can count on Me Bégin’s experience to help you through every step of the process.


Why call Bégin Avocat after a work accident in Quebec?

After the initial injury, Me Bégin will make sure that all the forms for your CNESST claim are completed correctly and filed on time, minimizing the possibility that your claim will be rejected. He can also guide you through the appeal process if you have to go to the Tribunal Administratif du Travail.

As a member of the Quebec Bar and a lawyer who has defended victims for 30 years, Me Bégin has helped hundreds of people obtain justice. You can be sure that he will help you obtain compensation that is appropriate to the harm you have suffered.

Feel free to contact us if you need help from a specialized lawyer during a dispute with the CNESST.